As in my book some lives really do seem to be less important.

Yes, this is a tragic and major theme in my book. A black man, George Floyd, was murdered on the street by an officer who put his knee on the man’s throat until he died. All the while he begged the officer to please stop. If you’ve read my book you will know that what Evah is in search of is her father. He was murdered and he is not the only person murdered with a tribal background. Some who die are innocent and some not so innocent but don’t try to fool yourself. These things are happening. It’s wrong. In my book, one desperate man afflicted by an unwelcoming society that only longs to use him for its greedy purposes turns to doing terrible things in search of peace. Dead-end lives lead to dead-end choices. People like the woman in this video have the idea they can break the rules and victimize someone concerned about it because she’s white and he’s black. As far as I’m concerned the man recording this woman was lucky it didn’t backfire on him. No these events are not only about color. That does not mean it is not a relevant issue. People who are empowered abusing what they have been gifted with. Black, white or blue it is a grotesque flaw of nature. I guess I may not be able to change the world but I tried when I chose to write my book about people with this kind of conflict.

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